(Translated from Original Spanish)
The Tribulation that has been talked about so much, is already in its Critical Stages. Mankind did NOT want to attend to My Son’s calls to Conversion. So, they live far from God, in a superfluous World and Purification is necessary, to Renew the World and let a New Creation Emerge.
The events that precede the Illumination of the Conscience are at the door. Stars will fall from Heaven and this will be darkened with the Spiritual Death of the Priests, who following erroneous ideologies will fall into the tentacles of satan. Taking root will be satanic ideologies in their Priestly Ministries that will lead to Spiritual Death of thousands of lost and confused Souls and sheep who follow a false religiosity. Founded on strange and degrading immoral ideologies for Mankind, the black smoke of satan, will drown the Church of My Son, in a terrible Apostasy and you will no longer be able to go to the Churches, because the Liturgies will have been changed.
My Son will no longer be in them, it will be satan who is in them.
Soon it will be spread through the air, a New Lethal Virus, which will kill thousands of humans in moments. Death rides through the World, carrying a sharp sword in his hand, to exterminate a large part of the Population. The Sky will darken and The Most Terrible and Dense Darkness will cover the Heavens, as the Sun will no longer rise and the Moon with its dim lights, will only illuminate in the dense night a small Faithful Remnant, who diligently and faithfully adhere to the True Doctrine of My Son. They will fight so that the Truth Remains on Earth, remaining Faithful and Prevailing until the end, triumphing with the help of Heaven and bringing True Peace and Joy to the World. After Great Terrible Trials for Humanity, only the Faithful Remnant will live through every event, overthrowing walls and bringing the Final Victory, accompanied by Me, as The Mother of Humanity, good will Triumph over evil.
Be aware My children, the Earth is shaking greatly Worldwide. The Frosts and Droughts will destabilize the Ecosystem, and the Volcanoes will erupt at the same time, bringing a climatic decomposition and sudden changes in temperature.
The Pests and Plagues, both created in laboratories as the Scourges of Divine Justice, will be the scourge of Humanity.
The Paper Currency will stop working and a New Global Currency will circulate throughout the World, which will be digital and only those who have it (microchip) embedded in their body, will be able to buy and sell.
Faced with so many threats to Humanity, you must remain faithful to My Son. Only those who Remain Spiritually Faithful Will Survive the Darkness of Darkness.
QUESTION. But to be Faithful, what does it take?
RESPONSE. – Fidelity to a person is achieved, with a Full Knowledge of that person as a Coexisting Love for him.
Therefore, get to know My Son, Talk to Him, Live with Him and Love will grow. Relate with Him, so your Fidelity to Him will increase, until the Love that is felt for Him, will be a Divine Love. A Love Grounded in the Love of My Son, then you will Love the Truth.
The Truth will set you Free from all ties to Sin or to the World. Complete the test and you will see how good is the Lord. Remain Faithful to God and He will Assist you in an extraordinary way in your physical and spiritual needs. I carry you within My Heart. You all belong to Me as you have been Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. You became My property and therefore as My Beloved Children, you have My Extraordinary Protection.
I say goodbye, giving you all My Peace, inviting you to be part of this Great Marian Army, which will give Light to the World. You are NOT alone – The Heart of The Mother is protecting you from ALL evil. Be attentive to the Shofar: the Angels will come for you to take you to the Refuges. They will be your Guides. No one who cries out to Heaven and belongs to My Army, will remain adrift. Ask for Divine Assistance so that when the time comes, your Angel will tell you where to go and will bring you to Safety.
This Prayer will serve as Preparation for the Arrival of the Angel.
(Asking the Angel of God, to come for us and take us to a Safe Place – Refuge)
I _ (say your full name)
As a child of my Blessed Mother, belonging to Her by Love, I ask my Guardian Angel to take me to a Safe Refuge, when my life is in danger and to set me Free from all Bindings to the World, so that I can be Guided with Full Freedom to my Refuge, that has been prepared for me, by my Heavenly Mother. Amen
I have prepared a Refuge for each one of My children, so be Faithful and DO NOT decline in Faith, as your Guardian Angel will guide you to a Place of Safety.
You are all Loved by your Beloved Mother in Heaven,
Mary, Mystical Rose.